2024 brought in a set of exciting features to the DexToro platform, and we're excited to share what we've been up to. If you haven't been following our weekly YouTube updates, this article will outline our most significant achievements!


2024 brought in a set of exciting features to the DexToro platform, and we're excited to share what we've been up to. If you haven't been following our weekly YouTube updates, this article will outline our most significant achievements!

As we continue with our steady development and onboard new team members to help expand DexToro's ecosystem, January includes:

  • New milestones.
  • Exciting announcements on DexToro's funding.
  • Potential to disrupt the decentralized derivatives industry.

Key January Milestones and Updates

Transaction volumes on DexToro for January reached a new high of 2.6 million, which is an increase of 1116.83% since two months ago. Trading volume increased by 75% compared to that of December. With more eyes from the product showcase, we expect to reach a monthly volume of 10 million by the end of February!

January also marks the day when the highest amount of fees were paid in a single day. On January 11th, DexToro generated $411 in fees, a new milestone for our derivatives platform that has seen organic growth without marketing efforts. Imagine what's going to happen when we kick off marketing!

We successfully deployed our DexToro Trading Rewards program starting Epoch 11. A new Epoch is generated every Tuesday, and eligible wallets can claim their share of the total fees paid. Trading Rewards were launched to reward loyal traders and stakers. Check the Rewards page bottom widget to verify your weekly Epoch allocation. For a detailed overview of Trading Rewards, check out our dedicated article.

We currently have over 83 perpetual markets available, and we plan on adding more. In the coming days, we will add JTO and ORDI trading pairs with a maximum leverage of 50x.

In January, we launched a new community campaign and ended one as well. The thread competition lasted over a month, had 19 entries, and ended on January 20th. Three members were rewarded for their threads; you can check the winners below.

We also launched a Security Bug Bounty Program, seeking ethical hackers to try to hack our system. Rewards are allocated according to the importance of the vulnerability, as we're committed to ensuring a bug-free system is in place for traders. You can find detailed information about the Bug Bounty program and how to submit a report on our blog.

UI/UX Improvements on DexToro

We made a number of updates to our UI design, and we're constantly adding new features and elements to make trading seamless.

We already discussed the Widget in the Rewards section, where you can find information about rewards. It includes the Fees Paid, Fee Shares, and the amount estimated in USD.

In the trading panel, we changed how tokens are displayed, and we're now showing the full name of an asset. Something we like and that makes trading better is the filtering option in the asset panel. You can now filter by top gainers and losers in the last 24 hours. This makes trading similar to a CEX with the benefits of full decentralization.

We've also added a sharing button for traders to share their profitable trades with their followers on social media. The sharing button will come into effect when we launch our affiliate program, and profitable traders can share their affiliate code on a social banner.

As DexToro matures, the platform converts into a fully optimized trading platform with popular features. It won't be long until all the features you've been looking for are there!

Company Updates

Our team has grown even further in January, with new developers joining the ranks. We're currently 17 members who are building DexToro, and our developers have won back-to-back Ethereum hackathons and have been acknowledged by Vitalik Buterin himself.

In January, we announced three key events where DexToro will be present in 2024. The most important one is the Optimism Demo Day, which takes place on February 8th. We'll present DexToro in front of the 160K Optimism community and showcase a demo of how to place and trade the entire DexToro platform. You can join the event at, and we should see an increase in users following the event.

We also announced two appearances at blockchain conferences. DexToro will be presented at ETHDubai in April and at Consensus 2024 in May - one of the biggest blockchain events of the year. We hope to see you all there, and make sure to drop us to drop by and say Hi!

What to expect next

We have updates on two key developments. Our referral program development is 50% done, while the One-Click Trading development is at 25% completion. They're a necessary development before we begin the Certik security audit, which will include a full audit and penetration test. DexToro will then be featured on their Skynet with a security score.

Finally, our $250,000 investment round due on February 23rd is 50% funded, and we expect to have more demand for the product. However, we're only looking to partner with experienced advisors and angel investors who can then contribute to our marketing efforts!

We're excited to see our community grow, as in the past 30 days, our Twitter followers have increased by 41% organically. We can't wait to see how these developments play out, even without any marketing push!

About DexToro

DexToro’s mission is to democratize access to financial opportunity. 

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